What You Need to Know About Sensory Problems

what-you-need-to-know-about-sensory-problemsAs a center of performing arts education that is utilized for the growth of kids on the spectrum, CAMEN Academy For The Performing Arts is always reaching out to parents. We seek to provide you with resources to better aid your child in managing behavioral challenges as they grow.

Currently, we would like to spotlight a specific cause of behavioral problems among kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders: sensory challenges.

Most kids on the spectrum experience difficulty processing information from their senses in the form of over or under-stimulation. For example, they may find the noise of a supermarket, the quietness of a library, or the scent of perfume unbearable. This is because their brains can process sensory input at a specific threshold, and if that is not met or is exceeded, they experience discomfort or anxiety that can even be felt as physical pain. This leads to lashing out in some and withdrawal or unresponsiveness in others.

As a provider of ABA services in Florida, we recommend keeping these three things in mind when trying to deal with sensory challenges:

  • Be aware.

    Creating a sensory profile helps you determine the kinds of things that get a reaction from your child. Is it bright lights, sharp smells, or loud noises? Use it to determine how you should prepare behavior strategies accordingly.

  • Stay positive.

    Just because your child has a sensory problem with specific stimuli does not mean they cannot enjoy anything with that sense. Think of positive sensory experiences and regularly remind them of that. Fidget toys and decompression routines can help with that.

  • Always prepare.

    Parents often have little control over the sensory information their child will experience. So make sure to let your kid know that they will be in the presence of potentially offensive stimuli whenever needed and assure them you will help them stay calm.

You can count on us to accommodate your child’s unique challenges and needs in our programs. Call us to learn more about our strategies to maintain accessible education for everyone.

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